Healthy Housing Threats, Needs, and Opportunities Under the New Administration
Program Details
This webinar will explore the implications for healthy housing as the Administration and Congress transition in 2025. Living at the intersection of housing, public health, and environmental justice, and encompassing specific issues, including indoor air quality, lead hazards, housing resiliency to extreme weather events, structural repair needs, and more, healthy housing provides a significant opportunity to strengthen communities. The programs, staff, and communities conducting this work also often find themselves dealing with limited funding, capacity challenges, and competing priorities, among other barriers. In this webinar, panelists will discuss the outlook for the healthy housing movement in 2025, covering potential threats and opportunities for the national healthy housing movement and the people and organizations that shape it, as well as identified needs that funders may be able to help address.
- LaTricea Adams, MAT, EDS: Founder CEO & President, Young, Gifted, and Green
- Mark Kudlowitz: Senior Policy Director, LISC
- Amanda Reddy, MS: Co-Chair, National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition / Executive Director, National Center for Healthy Housing
- Chris Cooper: Government Affairs Director, G2G Consulting
- Arturo Garcia-Costas, Program Director for the Local, National, and International Environment, The New York Community Foundation