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15 organizations receive Patricia D. Klingenstein Grants to support Maine children’s health


The Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation is excited to announce this year’s recipients of the Patricia D. Klingenstein Grants Program. This grant program, now in its 17th year, focuses on smaller organizations that are impacting the health and wellbeing of Maine’s children. The 15 organizations that were selected to receive grants in 2024 represent a diversity of efforts, and 11 of the organizations have never before received funding through this program. The program will grant $266,660 this year, bringing the program total to over $1.6 million since its inception in 2007. Details about 2024 grant recipients are included below and further information about all grant recipients over the history of the program can be found on the Foundation’s website at

  • Androscoggin Land Trust: Funds will support the "Nurturing Nature, Nurturing Health" initiative that enhances children's physical and mental health through nature-based programming, including environmental education outreach and curriculum integration work with area schools, summer camps, and after-school programs that engage children with nature.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters, Mid Maine: Funds will expand a small existing Big Brother / Big Sister program to create a broader "mentoring hub" in partnership with the Bangor Boys and Girls Club. This expansion will serve at least 100 school-aged, at-risk youth throughout the greater Bangor area.
  • Fit Girls of Wilton, Maine: Funds will support the Fit Girls program, a primary prevention program in Franklin County that works with fourth and fifth grade girls to teach and help improve physical, emotional, and mental health. .
  • Foundation for Portland Public Schools: Funds will allow the Portland Public Schools to bring a mobile "vision van" clinic in the fall/winter of 2024 to conduct eye exams and provide glasses to 250 - 400 students.
  • Hardy Girls, Healthy Women, Inc.: Funds will support the organization's programs that address Maine girls' and nonbinary youth's mental health, particularly those living in rural communities, through small, safe, and connected spaces, tailored to the needs and identities of participants.
  • Hearty Roots, Inc.: Funds will contribute to a variety of outdoor-based programs that get Maine kids "off the grid" to de-stigmatize depression, anxiety, ADHD, and childhood trauma in order to decrease isolation and despair that often lead to long-term adverse health issues.
  • LifeFlight Foundation: Funds will help the organization replace two aging "isolette" units. These units provide an enclosed crib during emergency transport that maintains a warm, safe environment for a new baby and protects the baby from germs.
  • Maine Boys to Men: Funds will contribute to an evidence-based program that uses a social and emotional learning framework to change attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs about sexism, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence.
  • Maine Equal Justice Partners, Inc.: Funds will support work with the Invest in Tomorrow coalition that aims to increase income supports for families with low incomes and eliminate barriers to work and economic stability so these families can find a sustainable path out of poverty.
  • Maine Inside Out: Funds will contribute to a project that utilizes Theater of the Oppressed techniques to engage youth at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system. Youth create and perform original theater based on their lived experiences that opens dialogue with school and community leadership about social conditions and policies impacting youth's lives.
  • Midcoast Youth Center & Skatepark: Funds will invest in a pilot partnership program with Bath Middle School and Morse High School. This pilot program will engage youth ages 12 - 17 to work together to live healthy, substance-free lives.
  • SafeBAE: Funds will support a partnership program with New Beginnings, a shelter for unhoused, at-risk youth, to implement peer education aimed at reducing the risk of sexual violence and recidivism in perpetrators.
  • The Center for Entrepreneurial Studies: Funds will support programs that provide rural under- resourced youth in Franklin County with meaningful vocational learning and work experiences to foster an entrepreneurial mindset, financial wellness, social-emotional health, and community engagement.
  • Viles Arboretum: Funds will grow the capacity of the Arboretum's successful summer program to reach more underserved youth in the Kennebec County region with a new "Nature and Nurture" initiative focused on the area's growing new Mainer population. This program will integrate English Language Learning, family resource support, and daily meals.
    •    Women for Healthy Rural Living: Funds will support Incredible Edible Milbridge that includes multiple highly productive community gardens for anyone in need of fresh produce, culturally relevant foods and bilingual signage to engage the area Latinx community, and Harvest Table family cooking classes.