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AI for Grantwriting

Presented by Philanthropy Massachusetts
Program Category

Program Details

10:00am - 11:30am EDT

Nonprofit organizations often struggle with crafting compelling grant proposals that secure funding. As competition for grants intensifies, organizations need innovative strategies to stand out. Learn how to harness the power of AI to enhance your grant writing process, increase your success rates, and ultimately support your organization's growth and impact.

This workshop introduces participants to the strategic integration of AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, in grant writing. The workshop delves into the essential components of successful grant systems, offering a holistic approach that encompasses both the strategic alignment of your organization's mission with funder expectations and reviewing your proposal with the help of AI. You'll discover how AI can streamline your entire workflow and improve the quality of your proposals. This session will sharpen your grant-seeking skills by making your proposals more competitive and personalized to funders' priorities.

From an introduction to AI tools for research and writing to maintaining a human touch in AI-assisted proposals, this workshop will help you prepare successful grant applications that resonate with funders. There will be a live demonstration of developing a complete grant proposal using AI, helping you understand the practical application of these cutting-edge techniques across the entire grant writing process.

Intended learning goals:

  • Analyze how AI can help align proposals more closely with grant-makers’ priorities
  • Learn strategies to incorporate AI into existing grant writing workflows
  • Understand how to maintain authenticity and address ethical considerations when using AI in grant writing

The ideal participants will be those curious about AI or looking to refine their grant-writing strategy, regardless of their current experience level.
