Website Privacy Policy
This policy explains the ways in which we may collect, maintain and use information from visitors to our site.
Equity & Accountability
Equity is at the center of everything we do. It is a core value and underpins our values of learning, relationships, and leadership. Additionally, equity is the foundation of the informed approach we take as we use data, research, and information to do our work.
Reduced Cost Memberships - FAQ
In line with our focus on equity, we hope all organizations are able to take advantage of MPC membership, regardless of their ability to pay membership dues.
Using the New Website: Tips and Guidance
Learn more about how to use our new website.
Grant Research
Learn more about grant research in our curated resource page.
Maine Philanthropy Center announces support of Tribal Sovereignty
Maine Philanthropy Center (MPC), a statewide organization committed to advancing the effectiveness of philanthropy in Maine and its ability to make a meaningful difference, stands with the tribal nations in Maine and expresses our unwavering support for both recognizing...
MPC supports the Charitable Deduction & the Charitable Act
Maine Philanthropy Center urges our members to join United Philanthropy Forum’s Philanthropy Day of Action on October 4, 2023, in support of the Charitable Act (S. 566/H.R. 3435). This unique opportunity presents a chance for us to lend our voice to an issue that...