2017 CEO Gathering

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 -
9:00am to 11:30am EST
USM Glickman Family Library
314 Forest Avenue, Portland, ME 04104
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Back by popular demand! The CEO gathering is your chance to kick off the new year with fellow Maine funder colleagues.

Share what's happening with your foundation and hear what's coming up for others. You'll also have a chance to talk in more depth about some of the common themes that arose last year and big topics for our sector such as diversity, equity, and inclusion and public policy.

This event is free, but we ask that you register in advance.

This event is intended for leaders of Maine funders, including CEOs of staffed foundations, board members of non-staffed foundations, or those in key decision-making roles with foundations working in Maine. 

Do you need a special accomodation in order to fully participate in this program? Please contact Vrylena Olney at vrylena@mainephilanthropy.org or 207-780-5039 at least two weeks prior to the event to discuss your specific needs.


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