Nonprofit Resources

The Maine Philanthropy Center assists nonprofit organizations by helping them find funding sources for their organizations. We have a variety of services and resources available.

Our Directory of Maine Grantmakers is the definitive Maine-based resource for foundation funding opportunties. It's available in both print and online versions. Online access to the Directory from your own computer is for MPC members only, but access from our office at the USM Library is free and open to all by appointment.

We partner with Candid to offer public access to their powerful database of national funders and other grant research tools - the Foundation Directory Online (FDO Professional).  Access is available by in-person appointment only, but is free and available to all.

MPC has also partnered with Impala, where you can explore the profiles of nonprofits and foundations in the U.S and analyze nonprofit ecosystems, anywhere in the country — see who’s involved, how the grantmakers and grantseekers compare, key funding and financial trends, and more. Impala Essentials is and always will be free to access. To learn more about discounts available to access premium Impala products for Maine organizations, reach out to

Research Tutorials and In-Person Research Appointments* - Not been to see us yet? Sign up for a Research Tutorial, or schedule an appointment to use our grant research databases using our booking page. We can help you identify a list of potential funders, the first step in securing grants! This is free and open to the public.

*Summer 2024: MPC research appointments have been paused until August due to limited staff capacity and our recent move. Please check back at a later time for updated availability, and reach out to us if you have a specific request.

Remote Grant Research - Can't make it to Portland for an in-person appointment? Research Tutorials are remote and offer an opportunity to explore the Directory of Maine Grantmakers regardless of membership status. MPC members can access the Directory of Maine Grantmakers remotely 24/7. Additionally, all Maine nonprofits and foundations have remote access to Impala, where you can explore the profiles of nonprofits and foundations in the U.S and analyze nonprofit ecosystems, anywhere in the country.

Grant Research Resources - We've developed a set of resources to help you with your grant research, including a Grantseeker's Primer with information on getting started, tips for using the online Directory of Maine Grantmakers, outside resources, tools to keep track of potential funders, and the Common Grant Application.

Listing of Maine Philanthropy Center Members

Nonprofit Resources - A listing of all MPC's resources, events, and information for nonprofits.

Maine Philanthropy Center Member Benefits - Interested in becoming a member? Learn more about what we offer.