Resource Hub
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Using the New Website: Tips and Guidance
Learn more about how to use our new website.
Maine Federal Delegation Contact Information
Find out how to reach Maine's federal delegation here!
Maine Funder Voter Engagement Guide
Resources for funders to understand their role in supporting elections & GOTV activities
Maine Common Application
A landing page for MPC's Maine Common Application - a unified grant application.
Grant Research Support Appointments
Maine Philanthropy Center offers grant research support appointments at the Equality Community Center. Appointments are free and open to the public.
Lewiston-Auburn Area Support Resources
A selection of resources for organizations to consider as they respond to the Lewiston-Auburn shooting on October 25, 2023
Racial Equity in the Wake of Affirmative Action Ruling
Find resources to better understand the implications of the Affirmative Action ruling on your racial equity work.
Stipend Policies
A recent MPC member asked for funder member resources for establishing a stipend policy. Here are the responses we received and additional links related to best practices from the field.
Funders Supporting Democracy
Resources related to foundations engaging in democracy work.
Foundations Engaging in Advocacy
Maine Philanthropy Center encourages funders to harness their voice and deploy the many tools at hand to engage in the advocacy space.