What's Next? COVID-19 - its impact on Maine Philanthropy & Giving

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 -
9:30am to 11:00am EST
Registration Fee: 
Members: $0.00
Non-members: $25.00
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2020 has been an exceptional year for everyone – we have been challenged to find new ways to work, to connect and to create change. Please join us on December 8th for a conversation with peers on the response to COVID19 and looking forward to what’s next for our sector and our state.

In this session we'll explore:

  • National trends in philanthropic response to COVID19 and best practice-based strategies for balancing response and recovery in grantmaking
  • Maine based response to COVID19, including observations on what Maine Community Foundation has learned through early reporting from their emergency grants
  • Innovative, responsive grantmaking practices in response to COVID19 adopted by the Onion Foundation

This conversation will be the start of a series that explores how your peers are adopting their grantmaking to meet this moment today and beyond.


Tanya Gulliver Garcia, Director of Learning and Partnerships, Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Tanya Gulliver-Garcia brings practical, academic and philanthropic understandings of disasters to her work as the director of learning and partnerships. She is a self-described “disaster junkie” who is passionate about ensuring the most marginalized and vulnerable in our communities are able to recover and build resilience. Her work is grounded in principles of equity and an understanding of how the intersections of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, class, etc. impact the lives of individuals and their families/communities.

Cherie Galyean, Director, Strategic Learning, Maine Community Foundation
Biography incoming

Susan Onion, Co-founder and Co-director, Onion Foundation
Susan has 20+ years of experience as an educator, having taught in grades 1-5, worked as a school and public librarian, and tutored adult learners in Maine and California. In 2014, Susan and her husband Fritz created the Onion Foundation as a grantmaking organization to encourage conservation and stewardship of the natural environment and to promote music and the arts in the state of Maine. As a longtime Mainer, Susan brings her passion for the outdoors and drive to create equitable access to opportunities to her work. Susan also serves on the MPC board, and is a Trustee for Maine Public. 

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