Maine Philanthropy Center COVID-19 Health and Safety Policy

Adapted from the Maine Association of Nonprofits and United Philanthropy Forum

MPC strives to create a safe space for all those who wish to participate. To this end, we have adopted a COVID19 Health & Safety Protocol for all attendees, speakers, and staff. We understand that responsibility is shared among MPC, the event venue, and attendees, and recognize that we all have a role to play in creating a safe, healthy space.

Please note that this and all MPC guidance on COVID-19 is subject to change in accordance with the evolving circumstances of COVID-19. We will make adjustments as needed and will communicate them as clearly and promptly as possible.

MPC Protocols

  • MPC will not require proof of vaccination or proof of a negative test. If you are able, as a courtesy to other attendees, we encourage all attendees to test for COVID prior to attending an MPC in-person event. We recognize not all attendees are in a position to access a test in advance of an event, so encourage all who need it to take the necessary precautions to keep themselves safe and healthy.  
  • Attendees should feel welcome to mask at any time although masks are not required. MPC will not provide masks. 
  • Attendees with symptoms or exposure to someone with COVID-19 are expected to wear a mask at all times, even if they have tested negative.
  • MPC will make hand sanitizer easily available. Adequate supplies to minimize sharing of materials will be provided.
  • Questions about health and safety can be directed to or any staff member on-site during the event itself. 

Before leaving home, attendees are advised to:

On-site during an MPC Program, attendees are advised to:

  • Adhere to health and safety policy along with community agreements.
  • Offer themselves and others the grace and space to take care of physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
  • Follow relevant guidance provided by the Maine Center for Disease Control and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, including:
    • Practice other good hygiene practices, such as avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, and covering coughs/sneezes with a tissue and the disposing of the tissue.
  • If feeling unwell or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 we ask you to go home. 


If you test positive for COVID-19 after attending an MPC event, please contact MPC at so we may assist with notifying other attendees.

An infected person can spread COVID-19 starting 48 hours (or 2 days) before the person has any symptoms or tests positive. By letting your close contacts know they may have been exposed to COVID-19, you are helping to protect everyone.